
Third Quarter 2021 Investment Strategy Video: Coming in Hot

Third Quarter 2021 Investment Strategy Video: Coming in Hot

George Hosfield, CFA, chief investment officer and director of the firm, discusses our third quarter outlook.

Exit Strategy

Exit Strategy

A year ago, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell famously said, “We’re not even thinking about thinking about raising rates.” At this week’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting the Fed took its first tangible steps to lay the groundwork for a gradual removal of the stimulus measures enacted last year.

Panic Attack

Panic Attack

Twelve months ago, investors were in a state of sheer panic as they were witnessing stocks freefall by over 30 percent.

The Best and Worst of Times

The Best and Worst of Times

The blight of COVID-19 resulted in unfortunate milestones this week – record hospitalizations, ICU stays and most sobering, a single-day high in fatalities from the infection here in the U.S.

How Far into the Future?

How Far into the Future?

The stock market is a discounting mechanism. What does that mean? It means the value today is explained by the economy in the future and ultimately long-term earnings.

COVID Economy

COVID Economy

We have been closely monitoring the recent uptick in COVID-19 infections across the country and in Europe. The path of the virus is the most important factor in the economic recovery and the thing that we know the least about.

Yield On, Yield Off

Yield On, Yield Off

When the Federal Reserve cut their overnight policy rate by a total of 2.0 percent to the zero bound in the fourth quarter of 2008, few investors would have anticipated it would be another seven years before the Fed felt economic conditions warranted raising that policy rate by even one-quarter percent.

Seasons of Change

Seasons of Change

For many, 2020 has been a year to forget. Headlined by the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing global response, stimulus from central banks and governments has helped limit the damage, as the U.S. economy has now experienced its shortest and steepest recession ever.

Opening for Business

Opening for Business

Following a stimulus-induced surge from March lows, blue-chip stocks that had mounted over a 30-percent advance have consolidated gains so far in May.

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

Who knew that in 1970, the chorus line of the classic song, “Truckin” by the Grateful Dead would clearly define today’s stock market environment?

Norris Interviewed on Boise State Public Radio

Norris Interviewed on Boise State Public Radio

Jason Norris, CFA, recently spoke with Gemma Gaudette, Daily Show Host for Boise State Public Radio’s “Idaho Matters” news program.