Saving for College

by Scott Christianson, CFP®
Executive Vice President
Portfolio and Wealth Management

With April coming into sight, many of us are looking to do some spring cleaning. Or in our world, a spring financial tune up. A frequent ‘tune-up’ topic that comes up with clients is about the best way to save for their children or grandchildren’s education expenses. While the highly tax efficient 529 College Savings Plan frequently gets a nod, the flexible (with some drawbacks) custodial account also contends for a spot in the lineup.  

We are sharing a great recap penned by Charles Schwab’s education team regarding custodial accounts and why they may be useful tool to use in conjunction with other dedicated education savings vehicles. 

Read the Charles Schwab article here.

Ferguson Wellman, Octavia Group and West Bearing do not provide tax, legal, insurance or medical advice. This material has been prepared for general educational and informational purposes only and not as a substitute for qualified counsel. We believe the information provided is from reliable sources but should not be assumed accurate or complete. You should consult qualified professionals to understand how this information may, or may not, apply specifically to you.  

We believe the information provided is from reliable sources but should not be assumed accurate or complete. 
