2010 Q3 Market Letter

2010 Q3 Market Letter

Third Quarter 2010 – Market Outlook by George Hosfield, “QE2 and the Square Root Redux” by Dean Dordevic, Year-End Tax Changes, Longevity and Continuity piece on Luz Garcia, Kathi Kimes and Kerrie Young.

2010 Q2 Market Letter

2010 Q2 Market Letter

Second Quarter 2010 – “A-Synchronicity, and the Case for Stocks” by Dean Dordevic.

Outlook 2010

Outlook 2010

What a difference a year makes. After one of the worst years in history for investors, 2009 brought above-average returns across all equity styles. Aided by unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus, credit markets thawed and investors’ risk tolerance returned. Like the emergency room patient who doctors stabilize before nearly losing to anaphylactic shock, stocks rose from what felt like the dead in March, climbing a wall of worry to recoup roughly half of the damage done since the highs of 2007.

2010 Q1 Market Letter

2010 Q1 Market Letter

First Quarter 2010 – “’Gray’ Matters” by Dean Dordevic, Community & Civic Service, The Value of Planning.