Answered questions from our live Investment Outlook 2021.
Investment Outlook 2021: Back to the Future
Outlook 2021: Back to the Future
Q4 2020 Mid-Quarter Investment Strategy Update
On October 20, our firm hosted a mid-quarter Investment Strategy Update webinar presented by Chief Investment Officer, George Hosfield, CFA, and Head of Fixed Income, Brad Houle, CFA.
Sector Spotlight: Technology
Fourth Quarter 2020 Investment Strategy Video: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
Chief Investment Officer George Hosfield, CFA, presents the Investment Strategy Update for the fourth quarter of 2020 titled (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction.
The Future of ESG Webinar Recording
A recording of the webinar we hosted on October 1, 2020, titled The Future of ESG: Through a Quantitative and Qualitative Lens.
Market Letter Fourth Quarter 2020
Despite the technology-led gains of U.S. equities so far this year, uneasiness abounds as the world adjusts to life with COVID-19. While roughly half the jobs lost to this year’s steep and short recession have already been recouped, many investors fear the day when the bill for massive stimulus comes due.
Mid-Quarter Investment Strategy Update Webinar
Video recording of our mid-quarter Investment Strategy Update webinar which was presented on August 27, 2020.
Investment Strategy Webinar Recording: Start Me Up
Please click on the below image to view the recording of the Investment Strategy webinar given on July 22 by Chief Investment Officer George Hosfield, CFA, and Brad Houle, CFA, our head of fixed income.
Third Quarter 2020 Investment Strategy Video: Start Me Up
We are pleased to present our Investment Strategy Video for the third quarter of 2020 titled, “Start Me Up.”
Market Letter Third Quarter 2020: Start Me Up
Investment Strategy Webinar Recording: Post-COVID Sector Outlook
On Wednesday, June 10, our Chief Investment Officer, George Hosfield, CFA, and our investment team analysts Ralph Cole, CFA, Brad Houle, CFA, Peter Jones, CFA, Shawn Narancich, CFA, and Jason Norris, CFA, gave a webinar where they discussed our sector-specific outlook in a post-COVID world.
Webinar Video: Q3 Mid-Quarter Strategy Update
A New Outlook on Earth Day
Wednesday, April 22, is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. In 1970, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and activist Denis Hayes launched a nationwide environmental “teach-in” that later became Earth Day. Although the pandemic may have disrupted plans for this milestone anniversary, if Senator Nelson were alive today, he would find emerging business practices of interest.
2020 Q2 Market Letter: Gimme Shelter
Second Quarter 2020 Investment Strategy Video: Gimme Shelter
We are pleased to present our Investment Strategy Video for the second quarter of 2020 titled, “Gimme Shelter.”
High Anxiety
Staying in touch with clients is critical during such extreme market volatility. Admittedly these are highly stressful and uncertain times for everyone. It is paramount that we stay safe, remain calm and strive to make decisions that are aligned with our long-term goals … not current headlines.
Investment Outlook Video Q1 2020: Age Is Just a Number
George Hosfield, CFA, chief investment officer for Ferguson Wellman and West Bearing Investments, shares the firm’s outlook for 2020.
Outlook 2020
Having climbed the proverbial “wall of worry,” all the major domestic equity indices are poised to end the year at, or near all-time highs. In fact, it was a great year for virtually every asset class as bonds enjoyed their best return in a decade, international equities returned roughly 20 percent and real estate and commodities have also prospered.