
The Fed Is Raising Rates … Now What?

The Fed Is Raising Rates … Now What?

The Federal Reserve has maintained near-zero interest rates for nearly two years, and by now, it is clear this extraordinary policy is no longer needed. Over the last several months, continued elevated inflation readings, coupled with a tightening labor market, have led the Fed to suggest rate hikes are coming both sooner and faster than previously expected.

Demand-Driven Disruption

Demand-Driven Disruption

Americans are buying more than ever before. Despite supply actually surpassing above pre-COVID levels and dockworkers unloading ships as fast they can, the supply chain is unable to keep up with record consumer demand. Furthermore, the supply-demand gap may worsen as we head into the peak of holiday shopping season.

Cryptocurrency FOMO - Are We Really Missing Out?

Cryptocurrency FOMO - Are We Really Missing Out?

The explosion of cryptocurrencies and their meteoric returns over the last several years is causing some investors FOMO (fear of missing out). While cryptocurrencies, mostly Bitcoin, are in the news every day, very few investors understand their potential and the technologies that enable them. Rather, many are attracted to the highly-publicized returns they have generated in a very short amount of time. This has created something of a flywheel effect -- some may call it a bubble -- in which more investors are chasing these returns, which then drives returns higher, which then attracts more investors.

If You Build It, They Will Come

If You Build It, They Will Come

Last week while my wife was engaging in one of the favorite millennial pastimes of perusing, she blurted out, “Joe, come take a look at this!” At first, I didn’t believe what she was showing me. Our home, which we had purchased only a little more than a year ago, had appreciated a surprising amount according to the estimate.

Commercial Real Estate’s Perfect Storm

Commercial Real Estate’s Perfect Storm

The COVID-19 crisis has been the perfect storm for commercial real estate. While the economy is showing signs of life as most of the country reopens, the shock to the commercial real estate market was unprecedented.