Nvidia Briefly Takes the Crown

by Krystal Daibes Higgins, CFA
Vice President
Equity Research

Nvidia has become a daily fixture in tech news, but amid the constant buzz is a remarkable phenomenon with its unprecedented revenue and earnings growth. The company's financial performance over the past year has been staggering - in the most recent quarter, Nvidia announced quarterly revenues of $26 billion, an increase of approximately 260% over the same quarter last year. Typically, these hypergrowth rates are seen in earlier stage growth companies with a significantly lower revenue base - not large companies with billions in revenue.  

 On Tuesday, Nvidia achieved another impressive feat when it took the spot as the most valuable public company in the world, before Microsoft took it back by Thursday. The tech company’s market capitalization reached $3.35 trillion, a massive jump from a year ago at $1 trillion. While the meteoric rise in its value has given investors some pause, Nvidia’s fundamentals have been the driver of the surge so far. As a result, the company’s valuation is still in line with its historical average as its profit growth continues to keep up and exceed expectations.

As with previous large, dominant companies, we see cycles of change where leaders emerge, dominate and eventually give way to new frontrunners. This rotation of leaders occurs every several years or decades, reflecting shifts in technology, consumers preferences and secular trends globally. As investment managers we are constantly monitoring the competitive threats, evaluating when the inevitable deceleration could happen, and navigating these changes to balance overall risk exposure with wealth creation opportunities.  

Second Quarter Recap 

As the second quarter of 2024 comes to a close next week, the stock market is tracking to end in positive territory. The quarter exhibited a period of volatility and resilience given the series of notable economic and company-specific developments. The quarter started with negative returns in April, paring back those losses and were essentially flat in May, and now ending up higher at over 4% as of today’s date. April saw inflation concerns resurface, and in response, investors lowered their rate cut expectations in 2024. The expectation now is for one rate cut at the end of the year. In May, the equity market rebounded and reached an all-time high, and in the last several weeks, we’ve been seeing strength in corporate earnings continue to support the rise in stock prices. However, the market narrowed again, with the tech sector leading stocks higher, with Nvidia and Apple making up the majority of the gains.  

Takeaways for the Week

  • Nvidia has shown impressive financial performance with over 260% year-over-year revenue increase, briefly becoming the world's most valuable public company in 2024

  • Despite market volatility and inflation concerns, the second quarter of 2024 ended positively with tech giants like Nvidia driving significant gains in stock prices
