Fixed Income — Ferguson Wellman Ferguson Wellman Capital Management

investment STRATEGIES

Fixed Income


Core Fixed Income

Core Fixed Income


  • Provide the highest possible return while minimizing the risk to principal

  • Stability of income and principal


  • Top-down, macro-economic outlook drives sector allocation and yield curve positioning

  • A bottom-up survey of analysis of individual securities populates the portfolio


  • Composition: U.S. dollar-denominated investment-grade bonds across the full maturity spectrum

  • Positions: 40 to 60

  • Turnover: 30 percent including maturity reinvestment

  • Average maturity: Six-to-nine years

  • Benchmarks: Bloomberg Barclays Capital Aggregate or Bloomberg Barclays Government/Credit Index

Brad Houle, CFA, lead
Joe Brooks
Blaine Dickason
Jade Thomason

Updated annually. Data as of January 1, 2024.

Core-Plus Fixed Income

Core-Plus Fixed Income


  • Increase return potential through inclusion of high-yield fixed income vehicles

  • Employ bonds across the full rating spectrum


  • Top-down, macro-economic outlook drives sector allocation and yield curve positioning

  • A bottom-up survey of analysis of individual securities populates the portfolio


  • Composition: U.S. dollar-denominated debt

  • Positions: 40 to 70

  • Average maturity: Six-to-nine years

  • Turnover: 30 percent, including maturity reinvestment

  • Benchmarks: Bloomberg Barclays Capital Aggregate Index

Brad Houle, CFA, lead
Joe Brooks
Blaine Dickason
Jade Thomason

Updated annually. Data as of January 1, 2024.

Intermediate Fixed Income

Intermediate Fixed Income


  • Provide the highest possible return while minimizing the risk to principal

  • Stability of income and principal


  • Top-down, macro-economic outlook drives sector allocation and yield curve positioning

  • A bottom-up survey of analysis of individual securities populates the portfolio


  • Composition: U.S. dollar-denominated investment-grade bonds maturing in 10 years or less

  • Positions: 40 to 60

  • Turnover: 30 percent, including maturity reinvestment

  • Average maturity: Three-to-six years

  • Benchmarks: Bloomberg Barclays Capital Intermediate Government/Credit Index

Brad Houle, CFA, lead
Joe Brooks
Blaine Dickason
Jade Thomason

Updated annually. Data as of January 1, 2024.

Municipal Bonds

Municipal Bonds


  • Provide stability and tax-free income

  • Maximize after-tax return and income through customization


  • Both top-down and bottom-up approach to yield curve positioning

  • A bottom-up approach to bond selection

  • Careful credit analysis to minimize risks


  • Composition: investment-grade securities issued by local governments

  • Diversification by region and issuing municipality

  • Mix of General Obligation bonds (tax based) and essential service revenue bonds (water, sewer and utility).

  • Positions: 30 to 60

  • Turnover: 15 percent, including maturity reinvestment

  • Benchmarks: Bloomberg Barclays Capital Intermediate-Short Municipal Index

Joe Brooks, lead
Blaine Dickason
Brad Houle, CFA
Jade Thomason

Updated annually. Data as of January 1, 2024.