Duck Athletics

Ralph Cole Honored as Duck of the Year

October 24, 2013 Ferguson Wellman is proud to announce that portfolio manager and senior vice president, Ralph Cole, CFA, was named “Duck of the Year” by the Oregon Club of Portland. The club committee considers many attributes when naming the yearly honoree, including volunteerism, passion and loyalty to University of Oregon Athletics.

Cole has served as past president of the Oregon Club of Portland and is currently on its board. He is a devoted fan, attending all the major bowl games the Ducks have competed in and visiting every Pac-12 football venue with the exception of Utah.

Among his most significant contributions to the culture of the Ducks is his recommendation that the song, “Shout,” by the Isley Brothers be played between the third and fourth quarters during home football games at Autzen Stadium.

Cole was informed of the honor at an annual luncheon hosted by the Oregon Club. Cole’s family and colleagues were in attendance, and he was presented the award by Matt Cole, his brother and fellow past president of Oregon Club of Portland.

Cole OCOP Honor 2013

Ralph Cole, Ken O'Neil and George Hosfield
