Ferguson Wellman and West Bearing
Annual Report
by the Numbers – Disclosures
General Disclosures from Ferguson Wellman and West Bearing Investments:
Opinions and statements of financial market trends based on current market conditions constitute our judgment and are subject to change without notice. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the financial markets, all information, views, opinions and estimates may quickly become outdated and are subject to change or correction. We believe the information provided is from reliable sources but should not be assumed accurate or complete. Reference to or by non-employee individuals and institutions herein does not serve as an endorsement of, or testimonial for, the investment strategies and services of Ferguson Wellman and West Bearing Investments. The information published herein is provided for informational purposes only, and does not constitute an offer, solicitation or recommendation to sell or to buy securities, investment products or investment advisory services. Nothing contained herein constitutes financial, legal, tax or other advice. The appropriateness of an investment or strategy may not be suitable for all investors and will depend on an investor’s circumstances and objectives.
You may find links to websites that are not managed by Ferguson Wellman or West Bearing. We do not take any responsibility for reviewing, updating or insuring accuracy of information on other websites. Ferguson Wellman and West Bearing disclaim responsibility for the legality of materials and copyright compliance on other websites. This is provided for informational purposes only.
All commenting functions have been disabled as SEC regulations prohibit testimonials. As a result, comments on Ferguson Wellman publications (printed or electronic) are not permitted to be posted publicly. If you have questions or comments regarding the content from our website (including the Ferguson Wellman blog), please contact us at: info@fergwell.com.
Forbes and RIA Channel Methodology:
Forbes and RIA Channel recently announced the 2016 Top 100 RIAs by 10 Years of Growth List. RIA Channel is an affiliate of RIA Database, an independently owned and operated data company that collects and profiles financial advisory firms. RIA Database maintains profiles on over one million financial advisors across all intermediary channels: registered investment advisors, investment advisor representatives, registered representatives of broker/dealers, family office advisors, bank, trust, and independent brokers. RIA Database was founded in 2005, and tracks historical investment and asset information on all registered investment advisors (RIAs). RIAs are fiduciaries, registered with states or the Securities Exchange Commission (the SEC) as a regulated entity. Many asset managers, consultants, broker/dealer firms, trading firms, hedge funds and family offices are also RIAs. The Forbes and RIA Channel Top 100 RIAs by 10 Years of Growth specifically identified wealth managers, and ranked them by asset growth over prior ten years ending September 30, 2016. If an RIA was not registered as an RIA each of the past ten years, it was not included in this ranking. Additionally, firms were excluded if they had violations: civil, criminal or regulatory. Assets were based on assets under management as reported on each firm’s Form ADV Part I. Further qualification, defined by RIA Channel, required that each RIA advised clients on comprehensive wealth management services including manager due diligence, manager selection, asset allocation, portfolio construction, portfolio management for individuals, and ongoing supervisory management of client assets. Fund companies, hedge funds, broker/dealers, registered representatives, and banks were excluded. For more information, contact RIA Database.
Most Admired Companies Methodology from Portland Business Journal:
To generate the rankings for Oregon’s Most Admired Companies, the Portland Business Journal sent surveys to 3,000 CEOs in Oregon and southwest Washington, asking them to select three companies they most admired in eight industries, as well as three companies they admire across all industries.
Some 500 leaders responded to the survey. To help the CEOs make their choices, we provide extensive lists of companies in each industry. They were welcome, however, to name any company not listed. Companies eligible for consideration were not limited to those based in Oregon and southwest Washington, but included any business with a substantial presence in the region.
Respondents identified their first-, second- and third-place choices in each category. Here’s how the points were tabulated.
First place = 3 points Second place = 2 points Third place = 1 point
If you have any further concerns about disclosures and/or methodology of any awards and rankings, please contact us at info@fergwell.com.